Kelly Test Test

Jan 1 2016 - Jan 10 2016
Havana, CU

Children will be the focus of outreach in a local home church format. We will provide support to the local church through participation in worship, crafts, games, sports and more. Kids enjoy being outside, so count on physical activity being a part of the week. Relationship building and encouragement are primary with both kids and local leaders. This opens an opportunity to share Christ with the kids and through their changed lives to impact families for Him.

During the day we will go into the community to visit and share Christ with adults. Evenings we will return to the same community to participate in the children’s ministry.
Cuba has been declared atheist since the revolution in 1959, but has gradually opened up to different denominations over the past 10 years. This has given us an opportunity share the Truth of the Gospel on the island.

* Trip Dates may flex a day either way depending on flight availability.

For more information feel free to contact the team leader:
Kelly Miles | [email protected]

Please send completed forms & passport copies to:
International Missions
Southeast Christian Church
920 Blankenbaker Parkway
Louisville, KY 40243-1845

** Please Note - Your application will not be processed until your non-refundable deposit and completed forms have been received.

5 going

Kelly Miles
(502) 253-8154




$100.00 Deposit at time of Application
$1,000.00 1/2 Trip Cost *Must be received in order to purchase airline ticket. Due 8/15/2015


Nov 15 2015

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM EST

1st Team Meeting Required

Time & Location TBD

meet the team, get fundraising information, & general trip overview

Nov 30 2015 - Dec 1 2015

5:00 PM - 12:00 PM EST

Mandatory Retreat Required

Country Lake Christian Retreat

Team Building & more trip details


SCC Trip Policies & Requirements


SCC Mission Trip Team Covenant


Adult Release Form Required


SCC Adult Volunteer Application/Background Check Required


Cuba Visa Form Required


Cuba Marazul Form Required




  1. Completed Application & $100 Non-Refundable Deposit
  2. All Required Forms
  3. Valid Passport – the expiration date on your passport MUST be 6 months beyond the return date of the trip.
  4. Vaccinations – SCC supports the recommendations of the CDC. Please consult their website at and your family physician.


  1. Must meet all paperwork & trip cost deadlines.
  2. Adhere to the Team Covenant at all times *see Forms tab
  3. Attend all Team Meetings & Mandatory Retreat
  4. Trip cost does not include - passport, immunizations, spending money and food/drinks in airports.


  1. Must be 18 years or older.
  2. Must be a Southeast member.


  1. Pray
  2. Discuss with family
  3. Start the process for obtaining a passport ASAP, if you do not have one.
  4. Get vaccinations and medications advised by your doctor. The Missions Ministry supports the vaccinations recommended by the Center for Disease Control


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